by Rob Stevenson | 25 November 2015 | Bulletin, Employment, Updates, Wages and Awards
Employment law has been a revolving door for state and federal governments over the last decade. However, 2 recent reviews illustrate that we are likely to see a return to incremental change in the short to medium term future. Firstly, as part of the 4 yearly review...
by Rob Stevenson | 11 May 2015 | Bulletin, Employment
In this modern age, much of the employment relationship is regulated by legislation and industrial awards/enterprise agreements. So, is there still a need to have a written common law contract? The answer is yes, common law contracts are still a fundamental part of...
by Rob Stevenson | 6 February 2015 | Bulletin, Employment
Well, 2015 has well and truly started with a bang and woken us from our summer slumber! So what is likely to lay ahead this year? The reality is that the (likely) election of a Labor government in Queensland is unlikely to impact directly on employment laws for...
by Rob Stevenson | 13 December 2014 | Bulletin, Employment
What have been the workplace relations features of 2014? What issues will you likely face in 2015? Here is our view. The workplace bullying jurisdiction of the Fair Work Commission has been a slow starter with fewer than expected applications and decisions. However,...
by Rob Stevenson | 5 November 2014 | Bulletin, Employment
We recently emphasised the importance of appropriate contractual restraint provisions. Confidentiality provisions are just as important. Both have a deterrent as well as a remedial role. Both should be drawn to a new employee’s attention when given a contract...
by Rob Stevenson | 8 October 2014 | Bulletin, Employment
A recent High Court decision has reinforced: that not all employment laws apply to employees equally; and the importance of having a well worded contract of employment. Australia’s statutory unfair dismissal laws only cover those people earning under the high...