How we can help?

Australian Workplace Lawyers can:

  • Advise about your rights and obligations, available legal options, the pros and cons of legal proceedings and potential costs and outcomes;
  • Draft or review necessary documents;
  • Conduct negotiations or advocate on your behalf; and
  • Fight your legal battles to secure a practical outcome.

Examples of scenarios that we help employers with

  1. My business has always been small and I have relied on handshake agreements. However, the business is expanding and I have recently had a claim from an ex employee for unpaid overtime. I would like to formalise my employment arrangements and put written documents in place. How do I go about this?
  2. I am starting a new business. I don’t know which award/s cover my business and how this affects the when work is done and how much we have to pay our employees. Can I get advice about this?
  3. I have been running a small business for some time now and my arrangements with my workers are unclear. They pay their own tax but I give them annual holidays. Are they employees or contractors and what is best for my business?
  4. I have recently been asked by the Fair Work Ombudsman to produce my time and wage records for an ex-employee. I never got them to fill out time sheets. What are my obligations to keep employee records?
  5. We have concerns about the job performance of an employee and some incidents that have occurred. We would like to know whether we can terminate their employment and what rights they might have to take action against our business.
  6. We have an employee who has been away sick for a long time and this is affecting our business. We don’t know when they are returning and what restrictions they may have. The medical certificates they provide are not helpful. What processes can we use to ensure we have full medical information and can find out how long they are going to be away?
  7. We are a small business and are being sued by a former employee for unfair dismissal and breach of workplace protections/adverse action. I have to go to a conference with the Fair Work Commission next week. What do we do?
  8. We have received a claim from a former employee for damages on the basis that we have breached the general protections/adverse action provisions of the fair work legislation. What is our potential exposure and what can we do?
  9. One of our employees has left and set up his own business and is taking our clients. We had a restraint provision in our employment contract with him which he/she is disregarding. What can we do about this?
  10. One of our employees has been involved in an accident on a building site. Workplace Health and Safety inspectors want to interview us. Can I be prosecuted and should I be concerned about the investigation process?